Doing everything for power, says PM

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has once again reminded the nation that his government is doing absolutely everything they can for the sake of power.

In an exclusive interview with The Dependent, the prime minister insisted that it is there for all to see what he and his regime have been doing in order to ensure power.

“Literally everything that can be done is being done for power. The naysayers might never be convinced but you can see the extent to which we have gone for power,” PM Shehbaz said while talking to The Dependent.

“For, it is power that is the point of it all. And it is power without which nothing can be done,” the premier further added.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif further insisted that many appropriate steps have been taken by his government in this quest, especially in light of the events of recent months.

“Both the PML-N and our alliance the PDM feel that a circular debt is owed to us given the shortfall of the past eight months,” PM Shehbaz insisted.

“And that needs to be paid to us in the shape of consistent, clean, renewable, power,” he added.

The Dependent
The above piece is a work of satire and does not present itself as the truth.

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